Tuesday, July 31, 2018
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Adewale Ayuba Dbanj And Davido Are Fuji Singers
Adewale Ayuba Dbanj And Davido Are Fuji Singers

King of fuji music, Adewale Ayuba has described artistes like Dbanj and Davido as fuji artistes too and not hip hop. In a chat with entertainment magazine; Global Excellence, Ayuba said:If you are conversant with the happenings in the Nigerian entertainment industry, you will find out that all my brothers that claim they are doing hiphop like Dbanj, Davido and the rest are all fuji singers. When you listen to the way they sing, you can see that the voice is fuji. The beat they put behind it is what
changes it to hip hop and R&B. What they are doing here is tungba because immediately you press play, you start dancing all the way 47-year old Ayuba, who has had a successful fuji music career span over two decades recently released a remix to one of his classics, "Happy People" which features artiste Tm9ja and YSGs rap artiste Vector.
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Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 For Mac
Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 For Mac

Setup details of Adobe Photoshop CC for Mac 2017 V18
- Full name of software: 2Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 v18 for Mac OS Free
- Full setup size: 1 GB
- Setup type: Full separate setup
- Compatibility architecture: 32 bit & 64bit
- Added in latest version release: Jun 2017
- Developer: Adobe
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Full Free Download
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Full Free Download

Smart Object improvements � Maintain the links to external files by automatically packaging them in a single directory. You can also convert your existing embedded Smart Objects to linked Smart Objects.
Improved Layer Comps � Save time now that you can change the visibility, position, or appearance of one layer in a Layer Comp and then sync that change to all the others. Plus, easily see the attributes of each Layer Comp, and toggle a Layer Comp within a Smart Object.
Blur Gallery motion effects � Use Path Blur to add blur along any path and Spin Blur to create circular or elliptical blurs. The Mercury Graphics Engine makes all Blur Gallery interactions fast and fluid.
Focus Mask � Let Photoshop help you start a mask by automatically selecting the in-focus areas of your image. Focus Mask works great with potraits and other images that have shallow depth of field, and the Mercury Graphics Engine delivers fast performance.
Improvements to Content-Aware technology � New technology in Content-Aware Fill, Move, and Patch smoothly blends areas containing gradients, like skies, so you can create seamless, realistic results like never before.
Smarter Smart Guides � Forget trying to align multiple shapes or objects at exact distances from one another on canvas. Now you can quickly see the distance in pixels between objects so you can lay out content with precision.
Desktop fonts from Typekit � Choose the fonts you need from the Typekit library, sync them to your desktop, and get immediate access to them in your Photoshop font menu. Photoshop will even automatically replace missing fonts in your documents.
Font Search � Search for fonts by name, and see instant previews of each font to zero in on the perfect one.
Expanded 3D printing capabilities � Now you can see exactly where and how Photoshop repaired your 3D meshes so it�s easy to refine your designs in third-party 3D modeling apps. Get more accurate renderings of your models prior to printing thanks to WYSIWYG previews. And get support for more 3D printers and service providers.
Adobe Generator enhancements � Simplify the process of naming Generator assets and get greater flexibility in organizing the output from Generator by setting document-wide defaults, and by specifying subfolders for exported assets. Generator also offers new APIs so developers can create even more powerful plug-ins.
Adobe Camera Raw 8 enhancements � Heal images, fix perspective distortions, and create vignettes with greater precision. Plus, access an interactive histogram, before/after previews, and more.
Improved Windows 8.1 stylus support � Get to work quickly and comfortably with your stylus on Windows 8.1 devices, and enjoy smoother brush strokes thanks to higher-frequency sampling.
Expanded Mercury Graphics Engine support � Upsample images up to 15 times faster (depending on file size and video card configuration) now that the Mercury Graphics Engine delivers an OpenCL performance boost. The engine powers new Blur Gallery motion effects and the Focus Mask feature, too.
Experimental features � A new preference setting allows you to test drive and help shape new Photoshop features before they�?�re officially released.
Intelligent upsampling, even faster � Enlarge a low-res image so it looks great in print, or start with a larger image and blow it up to poster or billboard size. Upsampling preserves detail and sharpness without introducing noise, and now you get even more immediate results thanks to an OpenCL boost from the Mercury Graphics Engine.
Workflow Enhancements � Work faster and smarter thanks to new feature enhancements throughout your workflows. Now you have access to an expanded Color Panel; you can access your most recently used brushes, sync your workspaces, keyboard shortcuts, and menu customizations with Sync Settings; and more.
And so much more � Also includes: support for very large PNG files; the ability to export 3D LUTs; support for new video formats including Sony RAW and Canon RAW; and more.
See full Release Notes: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/whats-new.html
System Requirements
-Intel� Pentium� 4 or AMD Athlon� 64 processor (2 GHz or faster)
-Microsoft� Windows� 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 (32 bit versions)
-2 GB of RAM
-2 GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on removable flash storage devices)
-1024�768 display (1280�800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512MB of VRAM
-OpenGL 2.0�capable system
What is new in photoshop extended version ?
Adobe� Photoshop� CS6 Extensive software provides even more picture miracle, plus the Adobe Mercury Design Motor for blazingly fast performance. Retouch with higher perfection, and naturally make 3D graphics, 2D styles, and films using new and reimagined resources and workflows.*
Upgrade to Adobe photoshop CS6 Prolonged and increase your creativeness. Remarkable rate and power, innovative Content-Aware resources, and easier, more highly effective 3D article writing are just a few of the improvements in this highly effective new launch.

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Samsung kembali merilis smartphone Galaxy edisi terbatas (limited edition) bersama dengan tokoh-tokoh desain dan seni ternama. Kali ini, yang dibuat dalam edisi terbatas adalah smartphone Galaxy note 8 terbaru.
Dalam membuat smartphone edisi terbatas itu, Samsung menggandeng empat tokoh seni dan desain Indonesia, yakni Nyoman Nuarta, Denny Wirawan, Mochtar Sarman dan Rinaldy A. Yunardi.
Sekadar diketahui, Nyoman Nuarta merupakan seniman patung yang terkenal dengan mahakarya seperti Garuda Wishnu Kencana, Monumen Proklamasi Indonesia, dan Patung Arjuna Wijaya.
Denny Wirawan dan Rinaldy A. Yunardi adalah dua nama yang tersohor di bidang desain fashion Indonesia, sedangkan Mochtar Sarman merupakan pelukis sekaligus petinggi di Walt Disney Indonesia.

"Keempat seniman itu kami pilih karena memang memiliki kesamaan visi dengan Samsung. Mereka punya mimpi dalam menciptakan sebuah karya, sama seperti kami menciptakan Galaxy Note 8," terang IM Marketing Director Samsung Electronics Indonesia, Vebbyna Kaunang di Jakarta, Senin (25/9/2017).
Untuk spesifikasi, fitur yang membedakan Galaxy Note 8 dengan lini Galaxy lainnya adalah kehadiran S Pen.
S Pen Galaxy Note 8 hadir dengan penngkatan sensitivitas tekanan yang sama dengan Note 7, yakni di kisaran tingkatan 4.096 jenis tekanan.
Smartphone yang berjalan di atas sistem operasi Android Nougat (7.1.1) ini hadir dalam varian 64GB, 128GB, dan 256GB. Memori eksternalnya bisa diekspansi dengan kartu microSD hingga 256GB.
Kamera utama ganda Galaxy Note 8 diklaim hadir dengan improvisasi performa low light.
Harga Samsung Galaxy Note 8 di Indonesia adalah Rp 13 juta.
Bagimana tertarik? Kalau iya, silahkan disisihkan sedikit demi sedikit uang jajannya :D
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Adobe Photoshop Elements Premiere Elements 2018 v16 0 Win x64
Adobe Photoshop Elements Premiere Elements 2018 v16 0 Win x64

Adobe Photoshop Elements & Premiere Elements 2018 v16.0 Win x64
Being creative with your photos and videos has never been easier. Get the new release to easily organize your photos and videos, make them look amazing with intelligent editing options, turn them into stunning creations, and quickly share your memories.
Hassle-free organization
� Go from hundreds of mystery folders to a visual view of your photos and videos � automatically.
� Easily find your photos and videos with automatic sorting and visual tagging.
� See your best photos auto-curated based on quality, faces, subjects, and more.
Intelligent editing
� Open closed eyes in photos like magic and make selections effortlessly.
� Automatically bring together the best scenes in your videos with Smart Trim, and auto-extract photos from your raw footage with Candid Moments.
� Get step-by-step help with creative photo and video techniques and effects.
Stunning creations
� Totally reimagined slideshows bring together curated photos and short clips with one click.
� Make printed photo artwork, collages, and gifts.
� Add style to your videos with titles, effects, transitions, and themes.
Shareable memories
� Create fun bounce-back GIFs* and animated social posts.
� Easily print photos to display and share.
� Share photos, videos, and slideshows on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, and Twitter.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19 0 0 24821 Win32 Win64
Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19 0 0 24821 Win32 Win64

Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19.0.0.24821 for Win32/Win64 free
If you can think it, you can make it with Photoshop, the world�s best imaging and design app. Create and enhance photographs, illustrations, and 3D artwork. Design websites and mobile apps. Edit videos, simulate real-life paintings, and more. It�s everything you need to make any idea real.
The creative world runs on Photoshop.
Millions of designers, photographers, and artists around the world use Photoshop to make the impossible possible.
Designed for anyone to design anything.
From posters to packaging, basic banners to beautiful websites, unforgettable logos to eye-catching icons, Photoshop keeps the design world moving. With intuitive tools and easy-to-use templates, even beginners can make something amazing.
Not just photo taking. Breathtaking.
Whether you�re looking for everyday edits or total transformations, Photoshop offers a complete set of professional photography tools to turn your snapshots into works of art. Adjust, crop, remove objects, retouch, and repair old photos. Play with color, effects, and more to turn the ordinary into something extraordinary.
Works of art. Now a lot less work.
Design original illustrations, transform images into paintings, or create your own digital masterpiece. Make 3D artwork that you can animate or print. Enhance your work with unique patterns and eye-catching effects. Paint with smooth lines and curves using advanced brushes that work as fast as you can think.
Brush management and performance
Organize and save your brushes in the order you want. And with quicker reaction time, lagging brushes won�t slow you down. Also, you can achieve cleaner lines and curves for a more polished look with new brush stroke smoothing.
Curvature Pen tool
Create paths more quickly and intuitively. Just like in Adobe Illustrator CC, the new Curvature Pen tool enables you to push and pull segments directly.
Exclusive brushes from Kyle T. Webster
Access over 1,000 digital brushes from award-winning illustrator Kyle T. Webster, now available exclusively inside Photoshop.
Lightroom photos in Start
Your photos are everywhere you are. Access them from Lightroom Cloud Services right inside Photoshop via Search or the Start screen.
The medicine and installation and activation instructions are included
Gaming Laptop ASUS ROG Presents New Series
Gaming Laptop ASUS ROG Presents New Series

Rapid technological advances also affect progress in the gaming industry, it has long been ogled by various vendors to compete in the area of ??gaming notebooks. On the other hand, the users of the gaming segment are also the latest technology, with the highest speed and best quality in order to support a satisfying gaming experience. They are also not too much considering the price issue. As a brand owner Republic of Gaming, a brand that is synonymous with products that offer the best gaming experience for users, ASUS also very seriously strengthen its position in the segment. After presenting ASUS ROG G550JK in early 2015, ASUS is now complete with the latest ASUS ROG product line, to satisfy the lovers of the game.
Extreme gamers will be spoiled with the ultimate gaming notebook latest ASUS ROG G751JY which is now available on the market. ASUS ROG G751JY itself is the latest variant of G750JH and G750JX which had first appeared. The highest performance, exclusive overclocking technology, superb cooling, and a number of other features already embedded in this notebook.
The combination of Intel Core i7 processors and graphics 4th gen Nvidia GeForce GTX series 9 Maxwell strongest makes the ASUS ROG G751JY as a gaming notebook with the best performance. However, users often want more than that. For the sake of providing the needs of gamers, ASUS delivers exclusive features TurboMaster technology.

With TurboMaster technology, users can do more overclocking of the GPU that is used to improve performance while playing. This feature is able to support real-time GPU overclocking and provide additional performance of up to 5% more.
Designed Especially for Gamers
Users do not have to worry about excessive temperature while playing. ASUS, the major motherboard manufacturers in the world have been modifying the design of the ROG motherboard PCB G751JY to ensure stable power supply. Tantalum capacitors and 3-phase power design GPU already used. The intelligent technology dual-fan cooling will also help further cooling so that the temperature can be maintained even if the user has already played in a considerable period of time.
Specifications Laptop ASUS ROG G751JY
CPU: Intel Core i7-4720HQ Processor (6M Cache, up to 3.60 GHz)
OS: Windows 8.1
Storage: 2.5 "1TB SATA3 HDD + 8GB SSH or 2.5" 1TB SATA3 HDD + 512GB SSD PCIE * 4
Screen: 17.3 "16: 9 IPS FHD (1920x1080) anti-glare (matt panel)
Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M - 4GB DDR5
Camera: HD Web Camera
I / O: 1 x Headphone-out, 1 x Microphone-in jack, 1 x Headphone-out jack (SPDIF), 1 x VGA port / Mini D-sub 15-pin for external monitor, 4 x USB 3.0 ports, 1 x RJ45 LAN, 1 x HDMI, 1 x Thunderbolt, 1 x SD card reader
Connectivity: Integrated 802.11a / b / g / n / ac, Bluetooth V4.0, Gigabits Base T
Audio: Built-in Speakers And Digital Array Microphone, Built-in subwoofer, MaxxAudio support
Dimensions: 416 x 318 x 20 ~ 53 mm
Weight: 4.8 kg (with 8 cell battery)
Battery: 8 Cells 6000 mAh
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Processor 800 Mhz or better
RAM: 1024MB minimum
DirectX 9.0 or higher
DirectX compatible sound board
Easy removal of the game through the Windows Control Panel
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Download PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea PPSSPP
Selamat pagi para sobat setia DROID-APK.INFO, pada kesempatan kali ini admin akan berbagi sebuah informasi tentang Pro Evolution Soccer atau PES merupakan game android yang bergenre sport dengan tampilan grafis yang sangat bagus. pada kesempatan kali ini Admin akan memberikan PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea PPSSPP.Untuk bermain game PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea PPSSPP kamu bisa menggunakan android baik itu Emulator Gold, Emulator XBox 360 ataupun emulator lainnya. PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea PPSSPP Android kini hadir dalam versi terbaru yang didalmnya terdapat transfer pemain dan memiliki jersey baru yang pasti membuat kalian menanti akan update pes 2017 ini.
ak hanya disitu saja, jika kalian Download PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea PPSSPP Android maka kalian akan mendapatkan keseruan tersendiri, pasalnya grafik yang sangat bagus disertai dengan pemain bau, jersey baru, rambut baru dan masih banyak lagi.

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PES 2016 Panda Patch by Ascend DeGea [1 GB]NB: Untuk memainkan game ini, ubah bahasa pada Emulator PPSSPP menjadi Bahasa Spanyol. |
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Fixed Microsoft Office 2016 installation stuck at 90 95 or 80
Fixed Microsoft Office 2016 installation stuck at 90 95 or 80
Recently I encountered a problem during Microsoft Office 2016 installation. I downloaded the installation package and began installation, but the MS Office 2016 installer got stuck at 90%. I tried again and this time decided to wait more, but even after 30 mins the installation wouldn�t be completed. I tried it several times and sometimes it would get stuck at 95%, sometimes at 94% and sometimes even 82%. I am currently running Windows 10 but I�ve encountered the same installation freezing issue on Windows 7. After digging around various forums, I managed to find some effective solutions which could fix the problem where MS Office installation takes unusually long time to finish. Here is how I fixed Microsoft Office 2016 installation stuck at 90%, 95% or 80%: The methods below can be applied for any Microsoft Operating System i.e. Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Method 1: Terminating wusa.exe
- Stop Microsoft Office Installation (which is not responding or stuck)
- Run task manager (Press ctrl+alt+delete) and click �task manager�
- Find �wusa.exe� from the list of processes >> Right Click >> Select �End Task�
Try installing Microsoft Office Package again. Wait sometime, and the installation should get past the initial percentage ie,e 90% and jump to 100% until its finally completed.
Method 2: Stop Print spooler service
This one is the method that worked for me.- Press windows key + r
- Type services.msc >> Press Enter
- Now, find �Print Spooler� under services
- Right click on it and select �Stop�
Run the MS Office 2015 or Office 2016 installation. Once the installation is completed, you can again start �Print spooler� service.
If your Microsoft Office installation is taking abnormally long time or gets stuck, one of the above methods should fix it. If you have any other solutions for this problem, let us know how you fixed it in the comments.
Active Korean 4 PDF Audio textbook eBook
Active Korean 4 PDF Audio textbook eBook
- Audio based ordinary life
- Real class based unit
- Various errands and exercises to create abilities
- Detailed and illustrative sentence structure point
- Vivid pictures and delineations
Unit 1 Appearance and Personality ??? ??
Unit 2 Convenient Life ??? ??
Unit 3 Incidents and Accidents ??, ??
Unit 4 Dream and Reality ?? ??
Unit 5 Mistakes and Regrets ??? ??
Unit 6 Company ??
Unit 7 Consuming and Saving ??? ??
Unit 8 Korea ??
Unit 9 Travel ??
You may get a free copy at: Active Korean 4 PDF+Audio eBook
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Adobe Muse CC 2018 Free Download
Adobe Muse CC 2018 Free Download

Adobe Muse CC 2018 Free Download free download for pc,download latest version of Adobe Muse CC 2018 Free Download crack,patch,keygen from our website,download all latest softwares free from this website,we provide high speed and working links,Adobe Muse CC 2018 Free Download easy to download and install from this page,download offline installer and install easy in your pc,
Wouldn�t it be great to create your own website without having any knowledge about coding? With Adobe Muse CC you can create HTML format websites without writing even a single line of code. Not just that, you can even customize it in such a way that the user can interact to it without any trouble.
Adobe Muse CC 2018 for windows is especially useful for the people who spend most of their time in Photoshop or other adobe products. It functionality is almost the same which allows application like Photoshop and Fireworks to be used during the website creation process. It can even handle/import an entire .psd file whenever it is needed.
Adobe Muse CC is quite useful when it comes to creating your own webpage without having any prior knowledge of coding. It can even be used to enhance interactive buttons, forms, links and scroll effects. It allows you to have full control over your website�s layout. Website designing have never been this easy. You can create simple as well as complex website layouts in an easy way without having any advanced knowledge of HTML.
This is especially helpful for the people who are not into coding or who have never studied it in the first place. Creating a beautiful and interactive website is all about creativity. But for the people who basically have never been into coding, creating a website is almost next to impossible unless they decide to learn the code. It doesn�t matter if you are creative or not, if you don�t know code, you can�t create your own webpage, This is where Adobe Muse CC comes into play.
It allows the creating of website without having to write even a single line of code. All you need to know is to where to put the right content so that user can interact with it without any trouble.
It offers some really splendid features like.
Create websites with cross-browser support
Customize the page the way you want to. Handle the content for better user interaction
Easy layout configuration
Links management i.e. handling inbound and outbound links
Link your Social Media profiles to your webpage
Light weight and user-friendly

While creating a website, the content should be handled in such a way that user can interact with it without having to go through unnecessary trouble. It is specifically used for handling dynamic web components i.e. buttons, forms and other media to make the interaction of user with content as easy as possible.
Operating System Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, 8.1, Windows 10
RAM 1 GB (minimum)
Hard Disk Space 1 GB of free space is required
Processor Intel Pentium or above
Creating professional website designs is now easier than ever with Adobe Muse CC. You don�t need to have any advanced HTML knowledge for creating your webpage and you need to write not even a single line of code with adobe muse.
Download offline installer of Adobe Muse CC 2018.0.0.685 latest version for windows from below provided high speed single resume-able link.
Free Download Links Here;

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Tiara-PC, Free Download CCleaner 3.21 Terbaru. Buat teman-teman yang sudah menggunakan CCleaner bisa meng-Update nya melalui Link kami sediakan. CCleaner 3.21. CCleaner adalah software yang berfungsi untuk mengoptimasi sistem komputer.
CCleaner dapat menghapus file yang tidak terpakai dari sistem kita. Hal ini memungkinkan Sistem Operasi (misalnya saja windows) berjalan lebih cepat dan membebaskan ruang hard disk (dari file yang tidak terpakai).
CCleaner membersihkan jejak aktivitas online seperti history internet, cache, cookies browser kita. Selain itu CCleaner bisa menghapus registry yang tidak terpakai. Kurang lebihnya seperti itu.
- Added Scheduled Task management to Startup tool.
- Added Option to close running browsers when cleaning.
- Improved Google Chrome History cleaning.
- Improved Aurora History cleaning.
- Improved Windows 8 compatibility.
- Added cleaning for AIMP 3, Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 and AlZip.
- Improved cleaning for Snagit 10, AntiVir Desktop, Ashampoo Burning Studio 11, and Adobe Acrobat 9.0 and 10.0.
- Reduced 64-bit EXE memory usage.
- Minor GUI improvements.
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Selamat malam para sobat setia DROID-APK.INFO, Silahkan download Grand Theft Auto V game PS3 ISO yang bisa anda mainkan di PC sekarang juga, dimana blog kesayangan anda menyediakan berita dari game GTA V yang merupakan seri GTA termasuk paling top.Seperti seri-seri GTA yang lain, anda akan mengembara di luasnya kota, San Andreas, anda tentu saja harus menyelesaikan sejumlah misi sebagai kemajuan cerita game disaat yang sama anda juga boleh mengembara di luasnya kota San Andreas. Dan mencuri mobil, memukul pejalan kaki, menembak dan aktivitas lainnya. Namun awas kawan, melakukan semua itu bisa-bisa anda dikejar-kejar polisi.

- Name :GTA V
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Beberapa Fitur dari WinRar.
- Menggunakan WinRAR dapat membuat arsip lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan kompetisi, menghemat ruang disk dan biaya transmisi.
- WinRAR menyediakan dukungan lengkap untuk RAR dan ZIP arsip dan mampu membongkar CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, uue, bz2, JAR, ISO, 7z, arsip Z.
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- WinRAR lebih mudah digunakan daripada archivers lain dengan dimasukkannya khusus "Wizard" mode yang memungkinkan akses cepat ke fungsi pengarsipan dasar melalui pertanyaan sederhana dan prosedur jawaban. Hal ini untuk menghindari kebingungan pada tahap awal penggunaan.
- WinRAR menawarkan manfaat dari kekuatan industri enkripsi arsip menggunakan AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) dengan kunci 128 bit.
- WinRAR mendukung file dan arsip hingga 8.589 miliar gigabytes di ukuran. Jumlah file yang diarsipkan, untuk semua tujuan praktis, terbatas.
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Sekian duludari saya, Semoga bermanfaat.
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